Friday, March 11, 2011

day 70

I had a hard time knowing what to post today.  With all the loss and saddness happening, whatever I chose to post would seem trivial.  I have been thinking about and praying for the people affected by the earthquake and tsunami.  Scary and heart-breaking.  

This is today in our house. 

Blank TV stare.  Despite the glazed over appearance of the boy, he brought home an excellent report card today.  Makes my heart swell with pride.  He recieved 3's (meets expectations) in everything except for listening, and two different math categories, in which he got 4's (exceeds expectations). 

Finished my taxes!

Year end filing, which I always seem to do in March.  We'll just consider this our Fiscal Year End.


Anonymous said...

I know such a terrible day. I feel like me complaining about Carsyn's appointment was so small compared to what they are going through.

once upon a time . . . said...

so very organized! impressive :)