Saturday, July 9, 2011

day 190

My Great-Granny's rose. This little rose, has quite the story.  There was a little red house situated on the edge of my Grandad's property... we always knew the house as Granny's house.  When my Dad and my Aunt sold Grandad's house, pieces of my Great-Granny's rose bush were saved and given out to the great-grandchildren.  I recieved a piece... and it is still alive!  I was asking my Dad tonight how old he thought it might be.  He thought that it could be between 70 and 80 years old.  I find that amazing.  That this rose has survived so long.  Here's hoping I can pass it down to further generations!  Green thumb, don't fail me now!!


Joy said...

What a beautiful legacy!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous rose.