Wednesday, October 26, 2011

day 297

Ack, I can't do it.  I have been putting of doing this post, because I have a picture for today...but I have decided that I just can't do that to my boy.  It involves tighty-whiteys somewhere other than where they are supposed to go.  At 5, almost 6 - it is HILARIOUS (apparently), but I just can't do it to the future teenager and adult that he will become.  So, I have had to find another picture for today.


Susan said...

Lol! You're such a good mom!
Nice seagull pic :)

Glenda said...

What an inspiring picture for a quilt. An abstract gray background with an applique seagull. Hmmmmmm

Joy said...

LOVE your description of this pic, lol!!! :) (Nice shot, btw!)