Friday, February 4, 2011

day 35

Well, today I've had one grumpy boy.  I thought this would be all I got.

But he had a change of heart, and let me take this picture. (?) 

On a funnier note, we had taken the 'scenic' route home from getting gas case I saw the perfect photo op.  However, I had to go to the bathroom so badly, we flew by those perfect photo ops and headed for home!  Poor planning on my part I guess!


I don't know if this is against the rules or not...but, oh well!  Spirits and attitudes improved later in the day and we had a great game of Chutes and Ladders.  Here are some of the outtakes...literally!


Allison said...

nice. :-)

shannon said...

I know :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome photos. I love that game!

shannon said...

Thank you - they make me smile!