Monday, February 28, 2011

day 59

This was my husband's choice for dessert tonight for his birthday.  I'm not complaining - yum! 

Before I started this blog, I told myself that there were going to be days where I wouldn't know what to take pictures of and that they wouldn't all be 'beautiful'.  I told myself that, I needed to take pictures of  what I want to remember from today.  Now that I am at day 59 - I find I am setting expectations for myself rather high.  Sometimes, pictures don't turn out how you want them too, or there isn't enough time in the day to take one while the lighting is good.  And that's okay.  That's life.  I found myself at 8:00 taking picture of my melting ice cream and then my battery died.   I guess my photo subject was settled for me.  And, I'm okay with that because tonight, I'd rather be spending time with my husband.


Susan said...

Mmmmm...looks delish! Happy Birthday to Rich!
And...I think this photo is great :)

Photography said...


Chelsea said...

Agreed, I feel the exact same way! I think it's a good way to remember the night, though!!