Saturday, April 2, 2011

day 92

Today's job was to clean out the crawl space.  What a lot of work!  But what I was avoiding most was going through all of Jacob's baby stuff.  I think I went through 5 large rubbermaid bins, and ended up keeping only enough to fill one.  Oh, there were tears - I won't deny it.  My little baby is grwoing up.  He is no longer a wee 5 lb newborn.  He is 5 1/2 year old boy.  I think it was hard too, because it meant accepting that there are no more.  It's taken a long while, but I'm (we're) okay with this.  We're happy, the three of us.  And Jacob, well...he's the best gift I have ever been given and I thank God for him always.


Angee @ October Morning said...

I always get sad when I have to pack up baby clothes, but I haven't been able to part with any yet.

Photography said...

Awwww :-)