Saturday, July 30, 2011

day 211

Happy Birthday, to my oldest nephew!  I seriously can't believe you're 7.  I remember the day we met you for the first time...what a special day.  And, what a special boy you are! 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

day 209

Some of my little garden... I hope my tomatoes are still there when we get back from holidays, and that they are nice and red!

Monday, July 25, 2011

day 206

My oldest nephew is turning 7 pretty soon, and today was his party.  I can't believe it...but, I won't get into it now, because I am hoping to get a good picture of him closer to the date and then I might get all mushy....consider yourselves warned.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

day 204

Trying out sillouettes...very fun.  I would definately do this again. 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

day 201

It's day 3 of soccer camp, and my boy is learning so much - just look at those dance moves.  I think he was off in his own little universe today, because most of the other kids were playing soccer.  In all fairness, he has been having a blast and has been learning lots. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

day 198

Today, we had a nice family day.  We hopped on the skytrain / seabus and headed for the Quay, to Party at the Pier.  Lots to see, the boys got to tour a few Navy Boats and the tug boats even put on a show.  We then took the seabus back and wandered around Canada Place. 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

day 197

I would like to preface this post by stating, my camera battery died.  I was fully prepared to take some sort of picture tonight at a family get together, the kids were ready to preform, I whip out my camera and nothing.  So, in desperation (on my part), I used my husband's cell phone.  Just keeping up with this new 'I-phonography' craze...joking. 

So, here it is.  When the cousins on this side of the family get together - there is usually some kind of clothing change (have to wear the right sports attire for the sport you will be playing) and some sort of performance.  Tonight, we were treated to some songs off a CD, Oh Canada and Jesus Loves Me. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

day 196

Today, I had the day to what do I do? Grocery shopping.  And, although I was at a baby shower tonight... I didn't pick up my camera.  But, I kinda like looking back at older pics of my boy and re-editing them..... look at his curls!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011

day 192

Ode to the Raspberry?!  While out driving tonight to get gas, my husband spotted this monument in the center of a round-about.  Good eye, Richie, good eye. 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

day 191

Do you ever get, where the last thing you want to do is cook?  Although, I love to cook, that happens way more than I care to admit.  Tonight, was no different.  But after a stroke of genius - I was able to throw together these pizzas.  I even used up leftovers -  nice!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

day 190

My Great-Granny's rose. This little rose, has quite the story.  There was a little red house situated on the edge of my Grandad's property... we always knew the house as Granny's house.  When my Dad and my Aunt sold Grandad's house, pieces of my Great-Granny's rose bush were saved and given out to the great-grandchildren.  I recieved a piece... and it is still alive!  I was asking my Dad tonight how old he thought it might be.  He thought that it could be between 70 and 80 years old.  I find that amazing.  That this rose has survived so long.  Here's hoping I can pass it down to further generations!  Green thumb, don't fail me now!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

day 188

My boy finally got the nerve up to hold his new cousin.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

day 187

I love this weather we've been having.  We made it to the strawberry patch today.  I had such a good helper this year.  I made jam today, too...but those pictures didn't turn out.  So, instead of not being happy with my edits, I am going to wait until the morning and try again with the morning light.

Monday, July 4, 2011

day 185

"Mommy, can we just sit and talk" (insert cheesy grin here).  This morning we went for a fairly long walk to the post office, the bank, the library...and yes, Starbucks...which was followed by a detour to a park on the way home.  phew, makes me tired just typing it.  I had asked him if he would like to take our treats to the park, when he responded with the opening quote. 

And although, I try to highlight the positives of each day (because that is what we all want to remember, right?)... there were some severe batches of attitude to balance out the sweetness. I just thought I would keep it real for those reading and thinking I have a perfectly behaved child ;)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

day 183

After dinner tonight, we decided to make a trip to the beach for a nice walk.  It was great to get out and not have to hurry home for bedtime - yay for summer vacation!  On our travels, we saw a man stacking these rocks.  If you look closely, it is amazing.  I don't know quite how he did it.  There were, no tricks (or glue).  I mean, I can sometimes stack rocks if they have nice flat edges, but he stacked these on point!  The extra amazing thing was, that after he had finished... a train went by on the tracks and only one or two stones had fallen.  Crazy!!!  (my secret theory is that there is some sort of magnetic charge in these rocks, that allows them to stand like that).

Friday, July 1, 2011

day 182

Happy Canada Day!

Top 5

Once again, I am linking up my top 5 photo's from the last 3 months.  It was so hard to pick only five...but I guess that's a good thing.  So, here they are!

Edited to add:  Here is the fifth picture for my top five...the bee one is just bonus material, lol.

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